Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Details of the Amazon trip

For those of you who have asked for the details of the Amazon trip, please see the linked schedule and details below.
Linked Experiences of Quito was our un-replaceable agent for this trip, and we've sung their praises in Google Reviews and elsewhere.

Here's a file with active hyperlinks.
diary with disabled links follows.

Schedule and diary
Arrival Quito from Isabella Island via Balta Island, Galapagos
San Jose de Puembo Hotel / conference center/ hacienda near the Quito Ecuador airport
-          Luke soccer with Gavin
-          Spa and Pool
-          Dinner with Vance and Sandy

12/27 Transit to Napo Wildlife Center
-          Breakfast, ride to airport
-          Charter plane to Coca https://goo.gl/maps/pWT6oFJ476T2
-          Meet Milton, our naturalist guide
-          Bus to Napo river
-          Powered river canoe downriver: 2 hours, 80 km
-          Zigzag trip down river / rain
-          Landing and hike to canoe transfer point; weaverbirds in tree by river
o   https://goo.gl/maps/3CuSUZzdBAB2 Anangu boat stop
-          1.5 hour paddle up river with Milton, Ivan and Marin
-          Caiman, stinky turkeys
-          Rain
-          Arrive at Napo Wildlife Center https://goo.gl/maps/1wxMYJtfUQm
o   https://www.napowildlifecenter.com/
-          Up the tower, 100’
-          Weaverbirds

12/28 Napo Wildlife Center
-          Luke’s birthday
o   Breakfast with balloons and gifts
-          Canoe ride
o   Anaconda sleeping in grass
o   Long nose bats on stick inn water
o   Caiman near lodge
o   White-faced swallow (bird)
o   Lots of stinky turkeys
o   Anhingas
o   Macaws in the air
o   Jesus bird walks on water
o   Caiman lizards in tree (2)
o   Monkeys
§  Capuchin
§  Squirrel
§  Barking at us as we follow them down river.
§  3 otters: Mom, dad, baby
o   Belted Blue Kingfisher
o   Blue Morpho butterfly
-          Lunch at lodge, siesta
-          Later afternoon hike
o   Ate lemon ants
o   Owl moth
o   Spikey caterpillar
o   Dragon blood tree
§  Medicinal
o   Jungle tabaco
o   Armadillo hole
o   Tapir tracks
o   Tarantula spider on the tree trunk
§  Female, large body, shorter toes
o   Luke’s birthday reprised
-          At night:
o   Milky Way form the dock
o   shooting star from the dock

12/29  Napo Wildlife Center
-          Morning canoe
o   No anaconda
o   Otter World!!
§  3 otters with fish
§  Caiman nearby, canoe goes between
o   Tiger Heron
o   Jesus bird
-          Afternoon hike / canoe across lake
o   Monkey hairbrush
o   Frogs
o   How to trap animal lesson from Ivan
o   Walking sticks
o   Tree-runner Lizard on tree
o   Sandy’s watery slip into the creek
o   Owl asleep in tree
o   Scarlet macaw
o   Kapok Tree—and tower up to the tree top
§  Toucans robbing weaverbird nest
§  Blue and Gold Macaws
§  Scarlett Macaws
§  Caracara hawk
§  Torquoise “Wow!” bird  (Probably Spangled Cotinga (Cotinga cayana))
§  Bat hawk
§  Parrots
§  600 mm lens
-          Night Hike back from tree and tower
o   Red fire flies
o   Katydids…extremely noisy
o   Tarantulas (2)
o   Wolf spiders
o   Frogs and toads
o   Scorpion Spider
o   Bullet ants
o   Paddle back across the lake at night

12/30  Napo Wildlife Center
-          Canoe and Hikes
o   Baby chick zigzag heron (rare)
o   Night (owl) monkey
o   Photo night with family from Los Angeles
o   Anangu Community visit
§  Welcome dance
§  Turtle shell and drum
§  Crafts
·         Bracelet, satchel
§  Parrot Clay lick
·         We see four of five possible types: Dusky-billed Parakeet, Blue-headed Parrot, Yellow-crowned Parrot, Mealy Parrot & White-eyed Parakeet
§  Boat/hike to parrot clay lick “house”
·         100s of parrots in the trees, noisy
·         3-4 macaws, scarlet
o   In trees, and at water
·         Little Peep tries to stay, but Lauren retrieves him.
§  Boat and canoe back to lodge
-          Evening dinner.
o   Milton MC’s recognition of staff

12/31  Napo Wildlife Center
-          Last breakfast together
-          Mel’s late for canoe ride back to Coca
o   Trying to get every last moment 😊
-          Four otters!
o   One otter runs across land
-          We pass the Canadians from the Galapagos Legend…They’re arriving; we’re departing.
-          Motor canoe upriver back to Coca
-          Bus to airport
-          Vance leaves fanny pack at terminal gate
-          Charter plane back to Quito
-          Fanny pack is found before we leave the plane.
o   Saga of the fanny pack’s travels
-          We say good byes
-          Sandy and Vance recover at the airport Westin hotel
o   …..
-          Lauren, Luke, Mel driven to Termas de Papallacta
o   Map
o   By Carlos, our local Quito Guide. 
o   Stopped by the Old Ladies of the Old Year (photos!) along the road
o   Spa and Thermal Springs 1.5 hours to the east, across the Andean ridge
o   Natural hot springs feed pools among the lodge rooms
-          New Year’s Eve at Papallacta
o   Meal, music and dancing
o   Burning the effigies of the old year

-          Cool and crisp weather
-          Playing in the hot spring pools
-          Massages
-          Top of the Amazon basin ridge
-          10,000’ elevation, nearby ridge at 13,000’
-          Volcano: Antisana
-          Mel and Lauren hike
o   This land is an equatorial Switzerland !
o   Equatorial alpine meadows
o   More variety of plants per square meter seen on a nature walk than it is possible to imagine.  Thousands of varieties…
§  Tropical, flowering, trees, bushes, etc.
o   Cabbages the size of basketballs
o   Llamas in the pasture
-          Chinese tour group (40+ people) arrives with traveling outdoor kitchen. Yikes!!
-          We shift to a different room
-          Chill out and photo review in a ‘private’ lobby

-          Early morning departure with Carlos
-          Back to Quito airport, Avianca flight to Bogota
-          Driver to Chia
-          Back in Chia overnight until we leave for Medellin in the morning.
o   Insane!!!

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