Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Best Drivers in the World

The drivers of Colombia are the best in the world.

I have lived in Colombia for three weeks now, and I now know that Colombian drivers are the best in the world. 
They must be.  
Otherwise they'd stay home.

Of course, on Colombian roads are too many cars, trucks, motorcycles and buses.  But every large city has too many vehicles.
The roads of Colombia are not always good and many need repairs.  Again, this is true in all large cities.
Sometimes, it rains.  But New York, Chicago and Boston have worse weather.

But only on the major highways of Colombia you can see:
·         Packs of motorcycles that weave and drive between the lanes
·         People walk and run across the highways
·         Bicycles ride in the highway road, without lights, without helmets, against the direction of traffic…at night!
·         Buses that stop perpendicularly across the road to get a passenger
·         Passengers that go on and off buses that do not stop.  The bus only slows down.
·         Cars that stop in their lane to buy ice cream from a vendor pushing a cart in the road
·         Men stand between car lanes to sell food.  Watch for those motorcycles!
·         Donkeys pulling wooden carts on the road
·         Police stop trucks and don't pull off to the shoulder
·         Cars drive slowly or park in the highway.

Here are photos of a tricycle pedaling in the middle of the single busiest highway in Bogota, the Autopiste Norte.

Although it can take one hour to drive five kilometers,  I never hear a car horn.  Everyone is very calm.  Try that in the US.

And yet, you will see very few accidents.  
That's because the drivers of Colombia are the best in the world.

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