Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hola from Colombia


Our dear friends, Laura and Glenn, wrote a great book about their year-long Radical Sabatical experience in the Costa Rican jungles.  
Our Colombia family-friendly adventure will not be as radical as theirs (I hope), nor will this blog be as funny as their book. (Only $16.99

Peter and Margie have been on their more-than-around-the-world sailing cruise for about seven years now. Yikes!  They are real pros at crafting great stories.  Check out their blog for excitement and insight.   I promise you will find no stories of pirates or disabled sailboats approaching killer reefs on this blog (I hope).

I hope that you will find news, photos and short stories that amuse or interest you.  If you have things you'd like us to describe or questions to ask, please let us know in the comments or email.  Thanks!

Since we arrived in Bogota at the end of July 2018, we've been in hyper-nesting mode. We:
  • rented a house
  • bought a car
  • bought three phones, hooked up the internet (the key to Luke playing video with Miami buddies)
  • bought furniture
  • hired a housekeeper...Zoraida
  • started Luke in school; Colegio Cumbres.  (Luke says it's Awesome!)
  • bought three bikes
  • celebrated my Mom's 90th birthday through video link
  • decorated the house like crazy...featuring Carol Freysz Gutierrez's art
  • joined a gym (and actually worked out!)
  • hosted a small dinner party, several get-to-know-you teas and several play dates, and
  • booked two vacations in Ecuador (one with our good friends, Vance and Sandy)
Today's the first day to sit down and rest.  
Okay, that's over.  
Now it's time to get up and go practice my Spanish with a new practice partner. 

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